Chapter 12. Psychopathology: The Biology of Behavioral Disorders

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By Georgia E. Hodes Psychiatric conditions have long been regarded as issues of “mental health,” a term that inherently ties our understanding of these disorders to the brain. But the brain does not exist in a vacuum. Growing evidence over the past 10 years highlights a link between the body and what we think of as mental health. Many studies, for example, report that the peripheral immune system is altered in people who experience neurological and psychiatric conditions, including mood disorders, anxiety and schizophrenia. Researchers traditionally assumed that peripheral inflammation was a downstream effect of these conditions, but basic research is now revealing that the immune system, the gut microbiome and peripheral inflammation are not just bystanders or results of psychiatric conditions—they are active participants and may hold the key to new treatments. Scientists are beginning to uncover the mechanisms by which the body influences the brain, challenging the notion that mental health is solely a matter of brain chemistry and reshaping ideas on the etiology of psychiatric disorders. Like other neuroscience groups, we started our work in this area with the “brain-first” perspective: the idea that immune changes in the brain trigger stress-induced changes in behavior and peripheral inflammation. Our earliest studies supported this idea, demonstrating that directly infusing an inflammatory molecule, the cytokine interleukin 6 (IL6), into an area of the brain associated with reward behavior made male mice more likely to avoid others. Our later work, however, found that the source of IL6 in the brain is actually peripheral immune cells. Either stopping the immune cells from producing this molecule or just blocking it from entering the brain made the animals resilient to social stress. These studies offered some of the first evidence that treating the body with a compound that does not cross the blood brain-barrier could prevent a brain-mediated behavior. Before this, blood markers were considered only indirect indicators of brain changes—and not direct mediators or potential targets for treatment. © 2025 Simons Foundation

Keyword: Depression; Stress
Link ID: 29670 - Posted: 02.12.2025

By Laura Sanders Meet Jon Nelson. He’s a dad, a husband, a coach and a professional who works in marketing. But underneath it all, he suffered – for years – from severe depression. His suffering was so great that he volunteered for an experimental treatment called deep brain stimulation, in which electrodes are permanently implanted in his brain. In this episode, you’ll hear from Jon about his life before the surgery, and you’ll be introduced to the neuroscience designed to save him. Laura Sanders: This podcast touches on mental illness, depression, and suicide. There are moments of darkness. There are moments of lightness, too. Please keep that in mind before you listen. Jon Nelson is a guy who’s probably a lot like a guy you know. He lives in Newtown, a picturesque small town northeast of Philadelphia. He has three kids, a loving wife, a dog, a cat, and a bearded dragon named Lizzie. He works in marketing. He coaches his kids in softball and hockey, and he’s a ride-or-die Steelers fan. The Nelsons are, in fact, so perfect that they’re almost a caricature, like a sitcom family with a zany dad who’s fond of the phrase, “I’m going to give you some life advice.” Jon Nelson: You know, we try to do the standard sit down and cook together and have meals together. We’re the messy house in the neighborhood with basketballs outside and, you know, we’re constantly playing and doing stuff like that. But, you know, truly we like to spend time together. Sanders: But the view from the outside was a lot different than what Jon felt on the inside. On the outside, Jon lived a charmed life, but inside, he had been fighting with everything he had to stay alive for years. Jon: I would literally read a newspaper article about a plane wreck and I would have instantaneous, like, “Oh, like why couldn’t I have been on that?” Right? Or, you know, you, somebody died in a car wreck, like, “Why couldn’t that have been me?” © Society for Science & the Public 2000–2025

Keyword: Depression
Link ID: 29668 - Posted: 02.12.2025

By Andrew Jacobs and Rachel Nuwer After more than three decades of planning and a $250 million investment, Lykos Therapeutics’ application for the first psychedelic drug to reach federal regulators was expected to be a shoo-in. Lykos, the corporate arm of a nonprofit dedicated to winning mainstream acceptance of psychedelics, had submitted data to the Food and Drug Administration showing that its groundbreaking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder — MDMA plus talk therapy — was significantly more effective than existing treatments. At a pivotal public hearing last summer, two dozen scientists, doctors and trauma survivors told an F.D.A. advisory panel how MDMA-assisted therapy had brought marked relief from a mental health condition associated with high rates of suicide, especially among veterans. Then came skeptics with disturbing accusations: that Lykos was “a therapy cult,” that practitioners in its clinical trials had engaged in widespread abuse of participants and that the company had concealed a litany of adverse events. “The most significant harms in Lykos’s clinical trials were not caused by MDMA, but by the people who were entrusted to supervise its administration,” Neşe Devenot, one of the speakers opposed to Lykos’s treatment and a writing instructor at Johns Hopkins University, told the committee. Dr. Devenot and six others presented themselves as experts in the field of psychedelics, but none had expertise in medicine or therapy. Nor had the speakers disclosed their connection to Psymposia, a leftist advocacy group whose members oppose the commercialization of psychedelics and had been campaigning against Lykos and its nonprofit parent, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, or MAPS. The critics did not provide evidence to back their claims of systematic wrongdoing, but when the votes were counted that day, the panel overwhelmingly rejected Lykos’s application. Before voting, panelists cited a number of concerns, among them MDMA’s potential effects on the heart and liver, and whether trial results were influenced by the fact that most study participants correctly guessed they had received the drug and not a placebo. © 2025 The New York Times Company

Keyword: Drug Abuse; Depression
Link ID: 29659 - Posted: 02.05.2025

By Laura Sanders Brain implants for depression: It sounds like science fiction but it’s real. The Deep End, a new podcast from Science News, will give you a glimpse of what it’s like to live with electrodes in your brain. It might change how you think about mental health, the brain and what makes you you. Transcript Laura Sanders: Inside your brain, there are billions of nerve cells that form trillions of connections. These connections make your thoughts, movements, emotions, and memories. Your first kiss, your favorite song, your dreams. Our brains make us who we are. But sometimes they can betray us. Support Science Today. Thank you for being a subscriber to Science News! Interested in more ways to support STEM? Consider making a gift to our nonprofit publisher, the Society for Science, an organization dedicated to expanding scientific literacy and ensuring that every young person can strive to become an engineer or scientist. Donate Now This is a story about four people whose brains turned against them, plunging their lives into the darkness of severe depression. This is also a story about an experiment designed to pull them back out. Amanda: My initial response was a little bit of skepticism, like, “OK, we’re gonna put a box in you, we’re gonna hook it up to some wires, we’re gonna shove them down in your brain and then electrocute you, and it’s gonna make you feel great.” Like, this doesn’t seem like a, like a safe thing to be doing. Sanders: This experiment sounds like science fiction, but it’s real. This is the Deep End, a new podcast from Science News. I’m Laura Sanders. On this podcast, you’ll hear what led people to sign up for this unconventional experiment and what it was like for them. © Society for Science & the Public 2000–202

Keyword: Depression
Link ID: 29655 - Posted: 02.05.2025

Hannah Devlin Science correspondent A groundbreaking NHS trial will attempt to boost patients’ mood using a brain-computer-interface that directly alters brain activity using ultrasound. The device, which is designed to be implanted beneath the skull but outside the brain, maps activity and delivers targeted pulses of ultrasound to “switch on” clusters of neurons. Its safety and tolerability will be tested on about 30 patient in the £6.5m trial, funded by the UK’s Advanced Research and Invention Agency (Aria). In future, doctors hope the technology could revolutionise the treatment of conditions such as depression, addiction, OCD and epilepsy by rebalancing disrupted patterns of brain activity. Jacques Carolan, Aria’s programme director, said: “Neurotechnologies can help a much broader range of people than we thought. Helping with treatment resistant depression, epilepsy, addiction, eating disorders, that is the huge opportunity here. We are at a turning point in both the conditions we hope we can treat and the new types of technologies emerging to do that.” The trial follows rapid advances in brain-computer-interface (BCI) technology, with Elon Musk’s company Neuralink launching a clinical trial in paralysis patients last year and another study restoring communication to stroke patients by translating their thoughts directly into speech. However, the technologies raise significant ethical issues around the ownership and privacy of data, the possibility of enhancement and the risk of neuro-discrimination, whereby brain data might be used to judge a person’s suitability for employment or medical insurance. © 2025 Guardian News & Media Limited

Keyword: Depression; Brain imaging
Link ID: 29637 - Posted: 01.22.2025

By Christina Caron Barrie Miskin was newly pregnant when she noticed her appearance was changing. Dark patches bloomed on her skin like watercolor ink. A “thicket” of hairs sprouted on her upper lip and chin. The outside world was changing, too: In her neighborhood of Astoria, Queens, bright lights enveloped objects in a halo, blurring her vision. Co-workers and even her doctors started to seem like “alien proxies” of themselves, Ms. Miskin, 46, said. “I felt like I was viewing the world through a pane of dirty glass,” she added. Yet Ms. Miskin knew it was all an illusion, so she sought help. Welcome to Psych 101, a new monthly column that explores mental health terms and trends that are worthy of a bigger conversation. If there is a subject you’d like to see covered, please drop us a line at It took more than a year of consulting with mental health specialists before Ms. Miskin finally found an explanation for her symptoms: She was diagnosed with a dissociative condition called depersonalization/derealization disorder, or D.D.D. Before her pregnancy, Ms. Miskin had stopped taking antidepressants. Her new psychiatrist said the symptoms could have been triggered by months of untreated depression that followed. While Ms. Miskin felt alone in her mystery illness, she wasn’t. Tens of thousands of posts on social media reference depersonalization or derealization, with some likening the condition to “living in a movie or a dream” or “observing the world through a fog.” People who experience depersonalization can feel as though they are detached from their mind or body. Derealization, on the other hand, refers to feeling detached from the environment, as though the people and things in the world are unreal. Those who are living with D.D.D. are “painfully aware” that something is amiss, said Elena Bezzubova, a psychoanalyst who specializes in treating the condition. It’s akin to seeing an apple and feeling that it is so strange it doesn’t seem real, even though you know that it is, she added. The disorder is thought to occur in about 1 to 2 percent of the population, but it’s possible for anyone to experience fleeting symptoms. © 2025 The New York Times Company

Keyword: Attention
Link ID: 29623 - Posted: 01.11.2025

Jon Hamilton A single dose of the anesthetic ketamine can provide weeks of relief from severe depression. One reason may be that the drug causes long-term changes to a brain circuit involved in "giving up," a team reports in the journal Neuron. The team found that in zebrafish, ketamine alters this circuit in a way that causes the fish to persevere in the face of adversity rather than becoming passive. This resilience appears linked to brain cells called astrocytes, which play a central role in the "giving up" circuit. "Something happens within those cells that changes their response" to adversity, says Misha Ahrens, an author of the study and a senior group leader at HHMI's Janelia Research Campus. "We don't know what that is yet." But if scientists can figure it out, they might be able to develop more effective versions of ketamine and other psychiatric drugs, Ahrens says. The research involved the larval zebrafish, which is smaller than a grain of rice and looks like a tadpole. "It's transparent, so you can basically see what's going on in the entire brain all at once," says Alex Chen of Harvard University, another member of the team. For the experiment, the fish had to be kept stationary so scientists could monitor its brain. "But we still want it to feel like it's swimming through a virtual world," Chen says. The team did this by projecting images indicating forward movement when the animal swished its tail. Then they switched to images showing no progress, no matter what the fish did. © 2025 npr

Keyword: Depression
Link ID: 29617 - Posted: 01.08.2025

By Ellen Barry Kevin Lopez had just stepped out of his house, on his way to meet his girlfriend for Chinese food, when it happened: He began to hallucinate. It was just a flicker, really. He saw a leaf fall, or the shadow of a leaf, and thought it was the figure of a person running. For a moment, on a clear night last month, this fast-moving darkness seemed to hurtle in his direction and a current of fear ran through him. He climbed into the car, and the door shut and latched behind him with a reassuring thunk. “It’s nothing,” he said. “I don’t know why — I think there’s a person there.” Light had always caused problems for Kevin when symptoms of schizophrenia came on. He thought that the lights were watching him, like an eye or a camera, or that on the other side of the light, something menacing was crouched, ready to attack. But over time, he had found ways to manage these episodes; they passed, like a leg cramp or a migraine. That night, he focused on things that he knew were real, like the vinyl of the car seat and the chill of the winter air. He was dressed for a night out, with fat gemstones in his ears, and had taken a break from his graduate coursework in computer science at Boston University. A “big bearish, handsome nerd” is the way he styled himself at 24. For the past four years, Kevin has been part of a living experiment. Shortly after he began hallucinating, during his junior year at Syracuse University, his doctors recommended him for an intensive, government-funded program called OnTrackNY. It provided him with therapy, family counseling, vocational and educational assistance, medication management and a 24-hour hotline. © 2025 The New York Times Company

Keyword: Schizophrenia; Stress
Link ID: 29614 - Posted: 01.04.2025

By Dave Philipps A van full of U.S. Special Operations veterans crossed the border into Mexico on a sunny day in July to execute a mission that, even to them, sounded pretty far out. Listen to this article with reporter commentary Over a period of 48 hours, they planned to swallow a psychedelic extract from the bark of a West African shrub, fall into a void of dark hallucinations and then have their consciousness shattered by smoking the poison of a desert toad. The objective was to find what they had so far been unable to locate anywhere else: relief from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury symptoms. “It does sound a little extreme, but I’ve tried everything else, and it didn’t work,” said a retired Army Green Beret named Jason, who, like others in the van, asked that his full name not be published because of the stigma associated with using psychedelics. A long combat career exposed to weapons blasts had left him struggling with depression and anger, a frayed memory and addled concentration. He was on the verge of divorce. Recently, he said, he had put a gun to his head. “I don’t know if this will work,” Jason said of psychedelic therapy. “But at this point, I have nothing to lose.” Psychedelic therapy trips like this are increasingly common among military veterans. For years, psychedelic clinics in Mexico were a little-known last-ditch treatment for people struggling with drug addiction. More recently, veterans have found that they also got lasting relief from mental health issues they had struggled with since combat. No one tracks how many veterans seek psychedelic treatment in Mexico. Clinic owners estimate they now treat a few thousand American veterans a year, and say the number is steadily growing. Many of the veterans have free access to the U.S. veterans’ health care system but find standard treatments for combat-related mental health issues to be ineffective. The Department of Veterans Affairs announced this month that, for the first time in more than 50 years, it would fund research into psychedelic therapy. But while the research is conducted, the treatments will remain inaccessible to most veterans, perhaps for years. © 2024 The New York Times Company

Keyword: Stress; Drug Abuse
Link ID: 29608 - Posted: 12.21.2024

7 Things Everyone Should Know About Antidepressants By Christina Caron Even if you’ve never taken an antidepressant, you’re probably familiar with the criticism and controversy that surrounds these drugs. It’s not uncommon to hear things like: “Those pills are just a placebo.” “You’ll definitely gain weight.” “Once you start, you’ll become dependent on them.” Is any of this true? Some of these statements have “a kernel of truth,” said Dr. Gerard Sanacora, a professor of psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine. And it’s important to set the record straight because the expectations people have about their treatment — whether good or bad — “really do play a large role in how the treatment actually unfolds,” he added. Dr. Sanacora and other experts addressed some common questions and misconceptions about antidepressants. Will antidepressants change who I am? When an antidepressant starts to work, you may feel like a different person in some ways, said Naomi Torres-Mackie, a clinical psychologist in New York City. “Picture this giant, dark cloud weighing you down — as that lifts, the world is going to look different,” she said, adding: “But as you get used to it, you may see that it actually allows you to have more joy in your life.” On the other hand, up to half of people who take antidepressants may experience some degree of emotional blunting or numbed emotions, and research suggests that the blunting is more likely to happen with a higher medication dosage. When antidepressants are working correctly, patients should still feel a range of emotions, even if the sadness they used to feel every day is gone, said Dr. Laine Young-Walker, chair of the department of psychiatry at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. © 2024 The New York Times Compan

Keyword: Depression
Link ID: 29593 - Posted: 12.11.2024

By Max Kozlov Joylessness triggered by stress creates a distinct brain signature, according to research in mice1. The study also reveals one brain pattern that seems to confer resilience to stress — and another that makes stressed animals less likely to feel pleasure, a core symptom of depression. These findings, published today in Nature, offer clues as to how the brain gives rise to anhedonia, a resistance to enjoyment and pleasure. The results also provide a new avenue for treating the condition — if the findings are validated in humans. “Their approach in this study is spot on,” says Conor Liston, a neuroscientist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, who was not involved in the work. The experiments fill “a big gap”, he says. “Anhedonia is something we don’t understand very well.” More than 70% of people with severe depression experience anhedonia, which is also common in those with schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological and psychiatric conditions. The symptom is notoriously difficult to treat, even in those taking medication, Liston says. “Anhedonia is something that patients care about the most, and feel like it’s least addressed by current treatments,” he says. To understand how the brain gives rise to anhedonia, Mazen Kheirbek, a systems neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco, and his colleagues studied mice that had been placed under stress by exposure to larger, more aggressive mice. Typically, mice have a sweet tooth and prefer sugar water over plain water if given the option. But some stressed mice instead preferred plain water — which Kheirbek and his colleagues interpreted as a rodent version of anhedonia. Other mice subjected to the same stress preferred the sugar water. The authors labelled these animals ‘resilient’. © 2024 Springer Nature Limited

Keyword: Stress; Depression
Link ID: 29592 - Posted: 12.07.2024

By Diana Kwon Since a schizophrenia drug, the first in decades with an innovative mechanism of action, gained US regulatory approval in September, some researchers have proclaimed a new era for psychiatric medicine. About half a dozen similar drugs — for schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions involving the brain — are in various stages of development, most in early-stage clinical trials. But the success of these medicines is not a given. Last week, a trial of a highly anticipated schizophrenia drug reported disappointing results. For decades, schizophrenia drugs worked in essentially the same way. They blunted the activity of dopamine, a chemical involved in the disorder’s hallmark symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions. The new kid on the block is KarXT, sold as Cobenfy. It targets muscarinic receptors and leads to antipsychotic and cognitive benefits. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much buzz and excitement over a new approach in psychiatry in my career,” says Jeffrey Conn, a pharmacologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, who was one of the company’s scientific co-founders. KarXT’s success in winning US regulatory approval has revived interest in muscarinic drugs. “Drug discovery is coming back to psychiatry,” says Arthur Christopoulos, a molecular pharmacologist at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, who was involved in the development of KarXT. But developing new medicines is a hard, long road. On 11 November, Abbvie, a pharmaceutical company in North Chicago, Illinois, announced that its muscarinic drug for schizophrenia, called emraclidine, had failed to outperform a placebo. What this means for other muscarinic drugs in development remains to be seen, Christopoulos says. “It is still early days.” © 2024 Springer Nature Limited

Keyword: Schizophrenia
Link ID: 29574 - Posted: 11.23.2024

Andrew Gregory Health editor Doing more than an hour of moderate intensity exercise each week may reduce the severity of “baby blues” and almost halve the risk of new mothers developing major clinical depression, the largest analysis of evidence suggests. However, researchers behind the study acknowledged that finding the time amid so many new responsibilities and challenges would not be easy, and recovery from childbirth should be prioritised. New mothers could restart exercise with “gentle” walks, which they could do with their babies, and then increase to “moderate” activity when they were ready, they added. This moderate physical activity could include brisk walking, water aerobics, stationary cycling or resistance training, according to the team of academics in Canada. Maternal depression and anxiety are relatively common after giving birth and associated with reduced self-care and compromised infant caregiving and bonding, which could in turn affect the child’s cognitive, emotional and social development, the researchers said. Conventional treatments for depression and anxiety in the first weeks and months after giving birth mostly involve drugs and counselling, which are often associated with, respectively, side-effects and poor adherence, and lack of timely access and expense. Research has previously shown that physical activity is an effective treatment for depression and anxiety in general. But until now it has not been known whether it could reduce the severity of the baby blues in the first few weeks after giving birth or lower the risk of major postpartum depression several months later. © 2024 Guardian News & Media Limited

Keyword: Depression; Hormones & Behavior
Link ID: 29548 - Posted: 11.09.2024

By Claire Murashima What do you think of when you hear the term “OCD”? In pop culture, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder are often portrayed as meticulous to an extreme degree. They’re highly organized, perfectionistic, or germophobic — like Jack Nicholson’s character in the film As Good As It Gets, who tosses out bars of soap after using them once. Depictions like that aren’t inaccurate, but they’re not the whole story. Research shows that 1 in 40 American adults have OCD or will develop it at some point in their lives, according to the International OCD Foundation. Although the term “OCD” is often used casually, the disorder must be diagnosed by a medical professional. We wanted to take a closer look at how people with OCD cope with it every day as OCD Awareness Month wraps up. I live with OCD, and it impacts just about every aspect of my life. Growing up, I had to say a prayer before I ate anything, because I thought I’d vomit if I didn’t. Later in life, I struggled with flying, because I feared that I might vomit on the plane, or that someone might vomit near me. The fear of vomiting is called emetophobia, and it’s a common symptom of OCD — though it’s not talked about as often. People with OCD can experience very specific intrusive thoughts known as obsessions, and then engage in compulsions, which are ritualized behaviors to address them, according to the International OCD Foundation. Anxiety can be the underlying emotion of OCD — but unlike generalized anxiety disorder, the underlying emotion could also be a sense of disgust, wrongness or incompleteness, according to Dr. Christopher Pittenger, the director of the Yale School of Medicine OCD Research Clinic. © 2024 npr

Keyword: OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Link ID: 29536 - Posted: 11.02.2024

PA Media Digital characters – avatars – could help people with psychosis hear voices less often and reduce the distress caused, research suggests. The therapy involves a series of guided sessions during which patients are able to have a conversation with an animated digital representation of their distressing voice. Often in psychosis, as in other conditions, the voices people hear can be abusive or bullying and affect people’s day-to-day life. The voices can be experienced as powerful and almost omniscient, seeming to know what the person is thinking and feeling, and preventing them from taking the steps they want to every day. According to the research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London, the avatar therapy using computer-generated animations is an effective way of helping people with psychosis who hear voices. Philippa Garety, professor emerita of clinical psychology at King’s IoPPN and the study’s lead author, said: “To our knowledge, this is the first therapeutic intervention that has a direct and sustained impact upon the frequency with which people hear voices. “This is an extremely important finding, as it is a clear priority for voice-hearers, and hearing fewer voices, less often, or voices going away altogether can have a hugely positive impact on their day-to-day lives. “People who hear voices rarely only hear one. In an interesting development, the extended version of the therapy proved effective at reducing voice frequency in total, despite participants only creating one avatar for one voice.” © 2024 Guardian News & Media Limited

Keyword: Schizophrenia
Link ID: 29531 - Posted: 10.30.2024

By Joshua Cohen The contagious nature of bacterial or viral infections like strep throat or influenza is well understood. You’re at risk of catching the flu, for example, if someone near you has it, as the virus can be spread by way of droplets in the air, among other modes of transmission. But what about a person’s mental health? Can depression be contagious? A JAMA Psychiatry paper published earlier this year seemed to suggest so. Researchers reported finding “an association between having peers diagnosed with a mental disorder during adolescence and an increased risk of receiving a mental disorder diagnosis later in life.” They suggested that, among adolescents, mental health disorders could be “socially transmitted,” though their observational study could not establish any direct cause. It makes some intuitive sense. Psychologists have studied how moods and emotions can spread from person to person. Someone howling with laughter might be contagious in the sense that it makes you laugh, too. Similarly, seeing a friend in emotional pain can evoke feelings of despair — a phenomenon termed emotional contagion. For more than three decades, researchers have investigated whether mental health disorders, too, may be induced by our social environment. Studies have found mixed results on the extent to which friends’, peers’, and families’ mental health can impact an individual’s mental health in turn. The JAMA Psychiatry study — conducted by researchers at the University of Helsinki and other institutions — analyzed nationwide registry data on 713,809 Finnish citizens born between 1985 to 1997. The research team identified individuals from schools across Finland who had been diagnosed with a mental disorder by the time they were in ninth grade. They followed the rest of the cohort to record later diagnoses, up until the end of 2019.

Keyword: Depression
Link ID: 29520 - Posted: 10.16.2024

By Brendan Borrell, Ellie Kincaid A psychiatry researcher who received a warning letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration earlier this year committed research misconduct, another federal watchdog found. Bret Rutherford, formerly a research psychiatrist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University, “engaged in research misconduct by recklessly falsely reporting that all human research subjects met the inclusion/exclusion criteria for late-life depression studies,” according to a case summary from the U.S. Office of Research Integrity (ORI) published today. As The Transmitter previously reported, a suicide that occurred during one of Rutherford’s trials in 2021 was followed by a suspension of his research a few months later. The U.S. Office of Human Research Protections subsequently halted all federally funded research involving human participants at the institute in June 2023 and launched a review of its research practices. The ORI’s findings detail how in five published papers, Rutherford reported that 45 research participants were eligible for clinical studies, when in fact they were taking antidepressants or other medications that should have excluded them from participation. Rutherford also included 15 participants who took medications during a 28-day washout period before the trial when they were not supposed to be taking the medications, and he reported full washout periods for 8 participants who underwent shorter periods. The false reporting affected “the reported clinical research methods and results” of the five articles, the ORI’s finding stated. Three of the articles have been retracted, and the other two have been corrected. The Transmitter previously reported on the corrections and two of the retractions, which reference protocol violations in a clinical trial of whether levodopa, a drug for Parkinson’s disease, could help older adults with depression. © 2024 Simons Foundation

Keyword: Depression
Link ID: 29509 - Posted: 10.09.2024

By Christina Caron It’s not uncommon for our minds to unleash a torrent of difficult feelings under the cover of darkness: sadness and negative thoughts may surface at night, making sleep hard to come by. On social media and elsewhere people often refer to this as “nighttime depression.” But is that really a thing? And if so, why do some people get blue at night? Feeling down after dusk doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a mental health condition, experts said. Understanding why it happens can help you take steps to feel better. What is nighttime depression? Nighttime depression is a colloquial term for depressive symptoms that either appear or worsen late at night. It is not itself a diagnosis. While anxiety can also ramp up at night, and tends to make people feel agitated, tense and restless, nighttime depression is best characterized as a low mood. “It’s a sense of sadness,” said Dr. Theresa Miskimen Rivera, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Rutgers University and president-elect of the American Psychiatric Association. “It’s that feeling of: There’s no joy. My life is so blah.” Nighttime depression can also feel uncomfortable — “not only in your mind, but in your body,” Dr. Rivera added, especially if these feelings interfere with getting enough sleep. © 2024 The New York Times Company

Keyword: Depression; Sleep
Link ID: 29506 - Posted: 10.05.2024

By Elie Dolgin The first schizophrenia medication in decades with a new mechanism of action won US regulatory approval today. The approval offers the hope of an antipsychotic that would be more effective and better tolerated than current therapies. The drug, known as KarXT, targets proteins in the brain known as muscarinic receptors, which relay neurotransmitter signals between neurons and other cells. Activating these receptors dampens the release of the chemical dopamine, a nervous-system messenger that is central to the hallmark symptoms of schizophrenia, such as hallucinations and delusions. But muscarinic signalling also modulates other brain circuits involved in cognition and emotional processing. This mode of action provides KarXT with a more comprehensive therapeutic effect than other schizophrenia treatments, which mainly blunt dopamine activity alone. In clinical trials, KarXT not only alleviated core symptoms of schizophrenia, but also showed signs of improving cognitive function, all while avoiding many of the burdensome side effects commonly associated with older antipsychotics. “This will be a revolution of the treatment of psychosis, and I’m not saying this lightly,” says Christoph Correll, a psychiatrist at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell in Hempstead, New York, who helped to analyse data from the trials. “Now we will now be able to treat people who haven’t been helped with traditional antipsychotics. That’s highly exciting.” KarXT is just the first of many next-generation drug candidates designed to engage muscarinic receptors in the brain. Several follow-on schizophrenia therapies are already in or nearing clinical trials, showing promise for improved tolerability and more convenient dosing schedules. This progress is leading clinicians and drug developers to imagine a future in which schizophrenia treatment becomes more tailored to individual needs — providing an alternative for the many people who don’t benefit from current therapies or abandon them owing to intolerable side effects. © 2024 Springer Nature Limited

Keyword: Schizophrenia
Link ID: 29498 - Posted: 09.28.2024

By Mariana Lenharo There’s a bar in Baltimore, Maryland, that very few people get to enter. It has a cocktail station, beer taps and shelves stacked with spirits. But only scientists or drug-trial volunteers ever visit, because this bar is actually a research laboratory. Here, in a small room at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), scientists are harnessing the taproom ambience to study whether blockbuster anti-obesity drugs might also curb alcohol cravings. Evidence is mounting that they could. Animal studies and analyses of electronic health records suggest that the latest wave of weight-loss drugs — known as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists — cut many kinds of craving or addiction, from alcohol to tobacco use. “We need randomized clinical trials as the next step,” says Lorenzo Leggio, an addiction researcher at the NIH in Baltimore. In the trial he is leading, volunteers sit at the bar and get to see, smell and hold their favourite drinks, while going through tests such as questions about their cravings; separately, participants will have their brains scanned while looking at pictures of alcohol. Some will be given the weight-loss drug semaglutide (marketed as Wegovy) and others will get a placebo. George Koob and Lorenzo Leggio pose for a photograph in a research laboratory designed as a bar inside the National Institutes of Health’s hospital. Curbing addiction isn’t the only potential extra benefit of GLP-1 drugs. Other studies have suggested they can reduce the risk of death, strokes and heart attacks for people with cardiovascular disease1 or chronic kidney ailments2, ease sleep apnoea symptoms3 and even slow the development of Parkinson’s disease4. There are now hundreds of clinical trials testing the drugs for these conditions and others as varied as fatty liver disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive dysfunction and HIV complications (see ‘Diseases that obesity drugs might treat’ at the end of this article). © 2024 Springer Nature Limited

Keyword: Obesity; Drug Abuse
Link ID: 29494 - Posted: 09.25.2024